Water Optimization with Non-Active Biocatalysts in Aquaculture

Typical problems in fish farming are pollution, algae and too high a supply of fish. When a non-active biocatalyst as OrTec is introduced or added to incoming water, the superficial tension will be reduced, the oxygen content will increase, the pH value will be regulated and algae formation decreased.

Generally speaking, when any organic matter (leaves, food, etc.) is deposited in water, as a consequence, the water becomes polluted. Given that there is plenty of oxygen available in the water, the sea, or a fresh body of running water such as a river, they can sustain a fair amount of pollution. With this oxygen, naturally occurring microorganisms can oxidize the organic matter and transform it to carbon dioxide and products such as lignin and humin, which settle harmlessly as sediment.

Serious pollution occurs however, when the water is so stagnant that the microorganisms use up all of the available oxygen. In this instance, fish and other plant life die, making the pollution situation even worst. Sooner or later the sulfide formed due to the lack of oxygen develops a state of extremely bad odor which is toxic to most living organisms, and consequently, the pollution is augmented even further.

Natural and artificial lagoons usually have polluted zones near the bottom, where free sulfide is present. Under normal circumstances, there is another layer just above this zone, which contains sulfide-oxidizing bacteria disposing of the sulfide. The depth of this particular layer usually depends on how clear the water is because, since many sulfide-oxidizing bacteria are photoautotroph, they require light in order to grow.

Above this second layer, fish, algae and plankton grow, and the whole lagoon is a stable system with the sulfur cycle progressing quietly in its lower reaches. Pollution, algae, and too high a supply of fish are the problems typically occurring in fish farming. When these problems occur, the anaerobic zone spreads to the entire lake causing catastrophic effects in the lagoon.

With the use of a non-active biocatalyst, these conditions can be first halted and then corrected. The non-active biocatalysts have the great ability to bind oxygen ions together. This characteristic, in tandem with the product’s cleansing and stimulation attributes, establishes the correct conditions for the natural balance to be restored. A non-active biocatalyst will restrict the formation of the toxic sulfide produced by the sulfate reducing bacteria, eliminating odors and toxicity. With its introduction into the system, the water becomes clear, allowing light to flow into the lower layers of the lagoon.